Scottish Modern Apprenticeship Awards 2011 – Small Employer of the Year Ingenza Ltd.

  1. 26th Mar, 2012
Industrial biotechnology company, Ingenza Ltd, have been crowned ‘Small Employer of the Year’ at the Scottish Modern Apprenticeship Awards 2011 hosted by Skills Development Scotland.

In the face of tough competition from Narvida Ltd and D&G Precision Engineering Ltd Ingenza triumphed in the category of Small Employer (fewer than 50 employees).

Ingenza have recruited three Modern Apprentices in the last two years and the school leavers from the local Beeslack and Penicuik High Schools now form a seventh of the workforce. Ross Hepplewhite, Kirsty Glendinning and Jonathan Selfridge are very much part of the team at Ingenza’s state-of-the-art laboratories at the Roslin BioCentre.

“Winning this award is a fantastic achievement for Ingenza and our apprentices. It is an exciting time at Ingenza as our company continues to grow and expand. Ross, Kirsty and Jonathan are vital members of our scientific team and we hope they will continue to progress within our organisation as it enters a period of exciting growth in the next few years.” explained Dr Ian Fotheringham, President of Ingenza.