Technology Transfer

Final process operating requirements and competitive economics inform the design of every bioprocess development programme. Engineering, chemistry and bioscience teams work together to ensure that critical process operating procedures are fit for purpose at our customers’ production facilities.

Key technology transfer tools include:

  • Full process life-cycle analysis
  • Bioprocess capital, water, energy, sustainability requirements
  • Skills and experience ensuring successful bioprocess transfer
  • De-risked project transfer for scaled-up bioprocess viability
  • Comprehensive technology transfer to customer
“Will the process work?” “How long will it take?” “What will it cost?”

“I have worked with the Ingenza team for over a decade and have always appreciated their bioprocessing expertise and capabilities in support of several key projects both during my time at big biopharma and start-ups. I consider them a trusted and valued partner.”

— Fauad Hasan,former CEO, Bonti

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